* LittleJS Utility Classes and Functions
* - General purpose math library
* - Vector2 - fast, simple, easy 2D vector class
* - Color - holds a rgba color with some math functions
* - Timer - tracks time automatically
* - RandomGenerator - seeded random number generator
* @namespace Utilities
'use strict';
/** A shortcut to get Math.PI
* @type {Number}
* @default Math.PI
* @memberof Utilities */
const PI = Math.PI;
/** Returns absolute value of value passed in
* @param {Number} value
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function abs(value) { return Math.abs(value); }
/** Returns lowest of two values passed in
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} valueB
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function min(valueA, valueB) { return Math.min(valueA, valueB); }
/** Returns highest of two values passed in
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} valueB
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function max(valueA, valueB) { return Math.max(valueA, valueB); }
/** Returns the sign of value passed in
* @param {Number} value
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function sign(value) { return Math.sign(value); }
/** Returns first parm modulo the second param, but adjusted so negative numbers work as expected
* @param {Number} dividend
* @param {Number} [divisor]
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function mod(dividend, divisor=1) { return ((dividend % divisor) + divisor) % divisor; }
/** Clamps the value between max and min
* @param {Number} value
* @param {Number} [min]
* @param {Number} [max]
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function clamp(value, min=0, max=1) { return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value; }
/** Returns what percentage the value is between valueA and valueB
* @param {Number} value
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} valueB
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function percent(value, valueA, valueB)
{ return (valueB-=valueA) ? clamp((value-valueA)/valueB) : 0; }
/** Linearly interpolates between values passed in using percent
* @param {Number} percent
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} valueB
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function lerp(percent, valueA, valueB) { return valueA + clamp(percent) * (valueB-valueA); }
/** Returns signed wrapped distance between the two values passed in
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} valueB
* @param {Number} [wrapSize]
* @returns {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function distanceWrap(valueA, valueB, wrapSize=1)
{ const d = (valueA - valueB) % wrapSize; return d*2 % wrapSize - d; }
/** Linearly interpolates between values passed in with wrapping
* @param {Number} percent
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} valueB
* @param {Number} [wrapSize]
* @returns {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function lerpWrap(percent, valueA, valueB, wrapSize=1)
{ return valueB + clamp(percent) * distanceWrap(valueA, valueB, wrapSize); }
/** Returns signed wrapped distance between the two angles passed in
* @param {Number} angleA
* @param {Number} angleB
* @returns {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function distanceAngle(angleA, angleB) { return distanceWrap(angleA, angleB, 2*PI); }
/** Linearly interpolates between the angles passed in with wrapping
* @param {Number} percent
* @param {Number} angleA
* @param {Number} angleB
* @returns {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function lerpAngle(percent, angleA, angleB) { return lerpWrap(percent, angleA, angleB, 2*PI); }
/** Applies smoothstep function to the percentage value
* @param {Number} percent
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function smoothStep(percent) { return percent * percent * (3 - 2 * percent); }
/** Returns the nearest power of two not less then the value
* @param {Number} value
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Utilities */
function nearestPowerOfTwo(value) { return 2**Math.ceil(Math.log2(value)); }
/** Returns true if two axis aligned bounding boxes are overlapping
* @param {Vector2} posA - Center of box A
* @param {Vector2} sizeA - Size of box A
* @param {Vector2} posB - Center of box B
* @param {Vector2} [sizeB=(0,0)] - Size of box B, a point if undefined
* @return {Boolean} - True if overlapping
* @memberof Utilities */
function isOverlapping(posA, sizeA, posB, sizeB=vec2())
return abs(posA.x - posB.x)*2 < sizeA.x + sizeB.x
&& abs(posA.y - posB.y)*2 < sizeA.y + sizeB.y;
/** Returns true if a line segment is intersecting an axis aligned box
* @param {Vector2} start - Start of raycast
* @param {Vector2} end - End of raycast
* @param {Vector2} pos - Center of box
* @param {Vector2} size - Size of box
* @return {Boolean} - True if intersecting
* @memberof Utilities */
function isIntersecting(start, end, pos, size)
// Liang-Barsky algorithm
const boxMin = pos.subtract(size.scale(.5));
const boxMax = boxMin.add(size);
const delta = end.subtract(start);
const a = start.subtract(boxMin);
const b = start.subtract(boxMax);
const p = [-delta.x, delta.x, -delta.y, delta.y];
const q = [a.x, -b.x, a.y, -b.y];
let tMin = 0, tMax = 1;
for (let i = 4; i--;)
if (p[i])
const t = q[i] / p[i];
if (p[i] < 0)
if (t > tMax) return false;
tMin = max(t, tMin);
if (t < tMin) return false;
tMax = min(t, tMax);
else if (q[i] < 0)
return false;
return true;
/** Returns an oscillating wave between 0 and amplitude with frequency of 1 Hz by default
* @param {Number} [frequency] - Frequency of the wave in Hz
* @param {Number} [amplitude] - Amplitude (max height) of the wave
* @param {Number} [t=time] - Value to use for time of the wave
* @return {Number} - Value waving between 0 and amplitude
* @memberof Utilities */
function wave(frequency=1, amplitude=1, t=time)
{ return amplitude/2 * (1 - Math.cos(t*frequency*2*PI)); }
/** Formats seconds to mm:ss style for display purposes
* @param {Number} t - time in seconds
* @return {String}
* @memberof Utilities */
function formatTime(t) { return (t/60|0) + ':' + (t%60<10?'0':'') + (t%60|0); }
/** Random global functions
* @namespace Random */
/** Returns a random value between the two values passed in
* @param {Number} [valueA]
* @param {Number} [valueB]
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Random */
function rand(valueA=1, valueB=0) { return valueB + Math.random() * (valueA-valueB); }
/** Returns a floored random value between the two values passed in
* The upper bound is exclusive. (If 2 is passed in, result will be 0 or 1)
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} [valueB]
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Random */
function randInt(valueA, valueB=0) { return Math.floor(rand(valueA,valueB)); }
/** Randomly returns either -1 or 1
* @return {Number}
* @memberof Random */
function randSign() { return randInt(2) * 2 - 1; }
/** Returns a random Vector2 with the passed in length
* @param {Number} [length]
* @return {Vector2}
* @memberof Random */
function randVector(length=1) { return new Vector2().setAngle(rand(2*PI), length); }
/** Returns a random Vector2 within a circular shape
* @param {Number} [radius]
* @param {Number} [minRadius]
* @return {Vector2}
* @memberof Random */
function randInCircle(radius=1, minRadius=0)
{ return radius > 0 ? randVector(radius * rand(minRadius / radius, 1)**.5) : new Vector2; }
/** Returns a random color between the two passed in colors, combine components if linear
* @param {Color} [colorA=(1,1,1,1)]
* @param {Color} [colorB=(0,0,0,1)]
* @param {Boolean} [linear]
* @return {Color}
* @memberof Random */
function randColor(colorA=new Color, colorB=new Color(0,0,0,1), linear=false)
return linear ? colorA.lerp(colorB, rand()) :
new Color(rand(colorA.r,colorB.r), rand(colorA.g,colorB.g), rand(colorA.b,colorB.b), rand(colorA.a,colorB.a));
* Seeded random number generator
* - Can be used to create a deterministic random number sequence
* @example
* let r = new RandomGenerator(123); // random number generator with seed 123
* let a = r.float(); // random value between 0 and 1
* let b = r.int(10); // random integer between 0 and 9
* r.seed = 123; // reset the seed
* let c = r.float(); // the same value as a
class RandomGenerator
/** Create a random number generator with the seed passed in
* @param {Number} seed - Starting seed */
/** @property {Number} - random seed */
this.seed = seed;
/** Returns a seeded random value between the two values passed in
* @param {Number} [valueA]
* @param {Number} [valueB]
* @return {Number} */
float(valueA=1, valueB=0)
// xorshift algorithm
this.seed ^= this.seed << 13;
this.seed ^= this.seed >>> 17;
this.seed ^= this.seed << 5;
return valueB + (valueA - valueB) * abs(this.seed % 1e8) / 1e8;
/** Returns a floored seeded random value the two values passed in
* @param {Number} valueA
* @param {Number} [valueB]
* @return {Number} */
int(valueA, valueB=0) { return Math.floor(this.float(valueA, valueB)); }
/** Randomly returns either -1 or 1 deterministically
* @return {Number} */
sign() { return this.float() > .5 ? 1 : -1; }
* Create a 2d vector, can take another Vector2 to copy, 2 scalars, or 1 scalar
* @param {(Number|Vector2)} [x]
* @param {Number} [y]
* @return {Vector2}
* @example
* let a = vec2(0, 1); // vector with coordinates (0, 1)
* let b = vec2(a); // copy a into b
* a = vec2(5); // set a to (5, 5)
* b = vec2(); // set b to (0, 0)
* @memberof Utilities
function vec2(x=0, y)
return typeof x == 'number' ?
new Vector2(x, y == undefined? x : y) :
new Vector2(x.x, x.y);
* Check if object is a valid Vector2
* @param {any} v
* @return {Boolean}
* @memberof Utilities
function isVector2(v) { return v instanceof Vector2; }
* 2D Vector object with vector math library
* - Functions do not change this so they can be chained together
* @example
* let a = new Vector2(2, 3); // vector with coordinates (2, 3)
* let b = new Vector2; // vector with coordinates (0, 0)
* let c = vec2(4, 2); // use the vec2 function to make a Vector2
* let d = a.add(b).scale(5); // operators can be chained
class Vector2
/** Create a 2D vector with the x and y passed in, can also be created with vec2()
* @param {Number} [x] - X axis location
* @param {Number} [y] - Y axis location */
constructor(x=0, y=0)
/** @property {Number} - X axis location */
this.x = x;
/** @property {Number} - Y axis location */
this.y = y;
/** Sets values of this vector and returns self
* @param {Number} [x] - X axis location
* @param {Number} [y] - Y axis location
* @return {Vector2} */
set(x=0, y=0)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
/** Returns a new vector that is a copy of this
* @return {Vector2} */
copy() { return new Vector2(this.x, this.y); }
/** Returns a copy of this vector plus the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Vector2} */
return new Vector2(this.x + v.x, this.y + v.y);
/** Returns a copy of this vector minus the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Vector2} */
return new Vector2(this.x - v.x, this.y - v.y);
/** Returns a copy of this vector times the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Vector2} */
return new Vector2(this.x * v.x, this.y * v.y);
/** Returns a copy of this vector divided by the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Vector2} */
return new Vector2(this.x / v.x, this.y / v.y);
/** Returns a copy of this vector scaled by the vector passed in
* @param {Number} s - scale
* @return {Vector2} */
return new Vector2(this.x * s, this.y * s);
/** Returns the length of this vector
* @return {Number} */
length() { return this.lengthSquared()**.5; }
/** Returns the length of this vector squared
* @return {Number} */
lengthSquared() { return this.x**2 + this.y**2; }
/** Returns the distance from this vector to vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Number} */
return this.distanceSquared(v)**.5;
/** Returns the distance squared from this vector to vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Number} */
return (this.x - v.x)**2 + (this.y - v.y)**2;
/** Returns a new vector in same direction as this one with the length passed in
* @param {Number} [length]
* @return {Vector2} */
const l = this.length();
return l ? this.scale(length/l) : new Vector2(0, length);
/** Returns a new vector clamped to length passed in
* @param {Number} [length]
* @return {Vector2} */
const l = this.length();
return l > length ? this.scale(length/l) : this;
/** Returns the dot product of this and the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Number} */
return this.x*v.x + this.y*v.y;
/** Returns the cross product of this and the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @return {Number} */
return this.x*v.y - this.y*v.x;
/** Returns the angle of this vector, up is angle 0
* @return {Number} */
angle() { return Math.atan2(this.x, this.y); }
/** Sets this vector with angle and length passed in
* @param {Number} [angle]
* @param {Number} [length]
* @return {Vector2} */
setAngle(angle=0, length=1)
this.x = length*Math.sin(angle);
this.y = length*Math.cos(angle);
return this;
/** Returns copy of this vector rotated by the angle passed in
* @param {Number} angle
* @return {Vector2} */
const c = Math.cos(angle), s = Math.sin(angle);
return new Vector2(this.x*c - this.y*s, this.x*s + this.y*c);
/** Set the integer direction of this vector, corresponding to multiples of 90 degree rotation (0-3)
* @param {Number} [direction]
* @param {Number} [length] */
setDirection(direction, length=1)
direction = mod(direction, 4);
ASSERT(direction==0 || direction==1 || direction==2 || direction==3);
return vec2(direction%2 ? direction-1 ? -length : length : 0,
direction%2 ? 0 : direction ? -length : length);
/** Returns the integer direction of this vector, corresponding to multiples of 90 degree rotation (0-3)
* @return {Number} */
{ return abs(this.x) > abs(this.y) ? this.x < 0 ? 3 : 1 : this.y < 0 ? 2 : 0; }
/** Returns a copy of this vector that has been inverted
* @return {Vector2} */
invert() { return new Vector2(this.y, -this.x); }
/** Returns a copy of this vector with each axis floored
* @return {Vector2} */
floor() { return new Vector2(Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y)); }
/** Returns the area this vector covers as a rectangle
* @return {Number} */
area() { return abs(this.x * this.y); }
/** Returns a new vector that is p percent between this and the vector passed in
* @param {Vector2} v - other vector
* @param {Number} percent
* @return {Vector2} */
lerp(v, percent)
return this.add(v.subtract(this).scale(clamp(percent)));
/** Returns true if this vector is within the bounds of an array size passed in
* @param {Vector2} arraySize
* @return {Boolean} */
return this.x >= 0 && this.y >= 0 && this.x < arraySize.x && this.y < arraySize.y;
/** Returns this vector expressed as a string
* @param {Number} digits - precision to display
* @return {String} */
if (debug)
return `(${(this.x<0?'':' ') + this.x.toFixed(digits)},${(this.y<0?'':' ') + this.y.toFixed(digits)} )`;
/** Checks if this is a valid vector
* @return {Boolean} */
return typeof this.x == 'number' && !isNaN(this.x)
&& typeof this.y == 'number' && !isNaN(this.y);
* Create a color object with RGBA values, white by default
* @param {Number} [r=1] - red
* @param {Number} [g=1] - green
* @param {Number} [b=1] - blue
* @param {Number} [a=1] - alpha
* @return {Color}
* @memberof Utilities
function rgb(r, g, b, a) { return new Color(r, g, b, a); }
* Create a color object with HSLA values, white by default
* @param {Number} [h=0] - hue
* @param {Number} [s=0] - saturation
* @param {Number} [l=1] - lightness
* @param {Number} [a=1] - alpha
* @return {Color}
* @memberof Utilities
function hsl(h, s, l, a) { return new Color().setHSLA(h, s, l, a); }
* Check if object is a valid Color
* @param {any} c
* @return {Boolean}
* @memberof Utilities
function isColor(c) { return c instanceof Color; }
* Color object (red, green, blue, alpha) with some helpful functions
* @example
* let a = new Color; // white
* let b = new Color(1, 0, 0); // red
* let c = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); // transparent black
* let d = rgb(0, 0, 1); // blue using rgb color
* let e = hsl(.3, 1, .5); // green using hsl color
class Color
/** Create a color with the rgba components passed in, white by default
* @param {Number} [r] - red
* @param {Number} [g] - green
* @param {Number} [b] - blue
* @param {Number} [a] - alpha*/
constructor(r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1)
/** @property {Number} - Red */
this.r = r;
/** @property {Number} - Green */
this.g = g;
/** @property {Number} - Blue */
this.b = b;
/** @property {Number} - Alpha */
this.a = a;
/** Sets values of this color and returns self
* @param {Number} [r] - red
* @param {Number} [g] - green
* @param {Number} [b] - blue
* @param {Number} [a] - alpha
* @return {Color} */
set(r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1)
this.r = r;
this.g = g;
this.b = b;
this.a = a;
return this;
/** Returns a new color that is a copy of this
* @return {Color} */
copy() { return new Color(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a); }
/** Returns a copy of this color plus the color passed in
* @param {Color} c - other color
* @return {Color} */
return new Color(this.r+c.r, this.g+c.g, this.b+c.b, this.a+c.a);
/** Returns a copy of this color minus the color passed in
* @param {Color} c - other color
* @return {Color} */
return new Color(this.r-c.r, this.g-c.g, this.b-c.b, this.a-c.a);
/** Returns a copy of this color times the color passed in
* @param {Color} c - other color
* @return {Color} */
return new Color(this.r*c.r, this.g*c.g, this.b*c.b, this.a*c.a);
/** Returns a copy of this color divided by the color passed in
* @param {Color} c - other color
* @return {Color} */
return new Color(this.r/c.r, this.g/c.g, this.b/c.b, this.a/c.a);
/** Returns a copy of this color scaled by the value passed in, alpha can be scaled separately
* @param {Number} scale
* @param {Number} [alphaScale=scale]
* @return {Color} */
scale(scale, alphaScale=scale)
{ return new Color(this.r*scale, this.g*scale, this.b*scale, this.a*alphaScale); }
/** Returns a copy of this color clamped to the valid range between 0 and 1
* @return {Color} */
clamp() { return new Color(clamp(this.r), clamp(this.g), clamp(this.b), clamp(this.a)); }
/** Returns a new color that is p percent between this and the color passed in
* @param {Color} c - other color
* @param {Number} percent
* @return {Color} */
lerp(c, percent)
return this.add(c.subtract(this).scale(clamp(percent)));
/** Sets this color given a hue, saturation, lightness, and alpha
* @param {Number} [h] - hue
* @param {Number} [s] - saturation
* @param {Number} [l] - lightness
* @param {Number} [a] - alpha
* @return {Color} */
setHSLA(h=0, s=0, l=1, a=1)
h = mod(h,1);
s = clamp(s);
l = clamp(l);
const q = l < .5 ? l*(1+s) : l+s-l*s, p = 2*l-q,
f = (p, q, t)=>
(t = mod(t,1))*6 < 1 ? p+(q-p)*6*t :
t*2 < 1 ? q :
t*3 < 2 ? p+(q-p)*(4-t*6) : p;
this.r = f(p, q, h + 1/3);
this.g = f(p, q, h);
this.b = f(p, q, h - 1/3);
this.a = a;
return this;
/** Returns this color expressed in hsla format
* @return {Array} */
const r = clamp(this.r);
const g = clamp(this.g);
const b = clamp(this.b);
const a = clamp(this.a);
const max = Math.max(r, g, b);
const min = Math.min(r, g, b);
const l = (max + min) / 2;
let h = 0, s = 0;
if (max != min)
let d = max - min;
s = l > .5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
if (r == max)
h = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
else if (g == max)
h = (b - r) / d + 2;
else if (b == max)
h = (r - g) / d + 4;
return [h / 6, s, l, a];
/** Returns a new color that has each component randomly adjusted
* @param {Number} [amount]
* @param {Number} [alphaAmount]
* @return {Color} */
mutate(amount=.05, alphaAmount=0)
return new Color
this.r + rand(amount, -amount),
this.g + rand(amount, -amount),
this.b + rand(amount, -amount),
this.a + rand(alphaAmount, -alphaAmount)
/** Returns this color expressed as a hex color code
* @param {Boolean} [useAlpha] - if alpha should be included in result
* @return {String} */
toString(useAlpha = true)
const toHex = (c)=> ((c=clamp(c)*255|0)<16 ? '0' : '') + c.toString(16);
return '#' + toHex(this.r) + toHex(this.g) + toHex(this.b) + (useAlpha ? toHex(this.a) : '');
/** Set this color from a hex code
* @param {String} hex - html hex code
* @return {Color} */
ASSERT(typeof hex == 'string' && hex[0] == '#');
ASSERT([4,5,7,9].includes(hex.length), 'Invalid hex');
if (hex.length < 6)
const fromHex = (c)=> clamp(parseInt(hex[c],16)/15);
this.r = fromHex(1);
this.g = fromHex(2),
this.b = fromHex(3);
this.a = hex.length == 5 ? fromHex(4) : 1;
const fromHex = (c)=> clamp(parseInt(hex.slice(c,c+2),16)/255);
this.r = fromHex(1);
this.g = fromHex(3),
this.b = fromHex(5);
this.a = hex.length == 9 ? fromHex(7) : 1;
return this;
/** Returns this color expressed as 32 bit RGBA value
* @return {Number} */
const r = clamp(this.r)*255|0;
const g = clamp(this.g)*255<<8;
const b = clamp(this.b)*255<<16;
const a = clamp(this.a)*255<<24;
return r + g + b + a;
/** Checks if this is a valid color
* @return {Boolean} */
return typeof this.r == 'number' && !isNaN(this.r)
&& typeof this.g == 'number' && !isNaN(this.g)
&& typeof this.b == 'number' && !isNaN(this.b)
&& typeof this.a == 'number' && !isNaN(this.a);
// default colors
/** Color - White
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const WHITE = rgb();
/** Color - Black
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const BLACK = rgb(0,0,0);
/** Color - Gray
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const GRAY = rgb(.5,.5,.5);
/** Color - Red
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const RED = rgb(1,0,0);
/** Color - Orange
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const ORANGE = rgb(1,.5,0);
/** Color - Yellow
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const YELLOW = rgb(1,1,0);
/** Color - Green
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const GREEN = rgb(0,1,0);
/** Color - Cyan
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const CYAN = rgb(0,1,1);
/** Color - Blue
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const BLUE = rgb(0,0,1);
/** Color - Purple
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const PURPLE = rgb(.5,0,1);
/** Color - Magenta
* @type {Color}
* @memberof Utilities */
const MAGENTA = rgb(1,0,1);
* Timer object tracks how long has passed since it was set
* @example
* let a = new Timer; // creates a timer that is not set
* a.set(3); // sets the timer to 3 seconds
* let b = new Timer(1); // creates a timer with 1 second left
* b.unset(); // unset the timer
class Timer
/** Create a timer object set time passed in
* @param {Number} [timeLeft] - How much time left before the timer elapses in seconds */
constructor(timeLeft) { this.time = timeLeft == undefined ? undefined : time + timeLeft; this.setTime = timeLeft; }
/** Set the timer with seconds passed in
* @param {Number} [timeLeft] - How much time left before the timer is elapsed in seconds */
set(timeLeft=0) { this.time = time + timeLeft; this.setTime = timeLeft; }
/** Unset the timer */
unset() { this.time = undefined; }
/** Returns true if set
* @return {Boolean} */
isSet() { return this.time != undefined; }
/** Returns true if set and has not elapsed
* @return {Boolean} */
active() { return time < this.time; }
/** Returns true if set and elapsed
* @return {Boolean} */
elapsed() { return time >= this.time; }
/** Get how long since elapsed, returns 0 if not set (returns negative if currently active)
* @return {Number} */
get() { return this.isSet()? time - this.time : 0; }
/** Get percentage elapsed based on time it was set to, returns 0 if not set
* @return {Number} */
getPercent() { return this.isSet()? percent(this.time - time, this.setTime, 0) : 0; }
/** Returns this timer expressed as a string
* @return {String} */
toString() { if (debug) { return this.isSet() ? Math.abs(this.get()) + ' seconds ' + (this.get()<0 ? 'before' : 'after' ) : 'unset'; }}
/** Get how long since elapsed, returns 0 if not set (returns negative if currently active)
* @return {Number} */
valueOf() { return this.get(); }