
 * LittleJS Particle System

'use strict';

 * Particle Emitter - Spawns particles with the given settings
 * @extends EngineObject
 * @example
 * // create a particle emitter
 * let pos = vec2(2,3);
 * let particleEmiter = new ParticleEmitter
 * (
 *     pos, 0, 1, 0, 500, PI,  // pos, angle, emitSize, emitTime, emitRate, emiteCone
 *     tile(0, 16),            // tileInfo
 *     new Color(1,1,1),   new Color(0,0,0),   // colorStartA, colorStartB
 *     new Color(1,1,1,0), new Color(0,0,0,0), // colorEndA, colorEndB
 *     2, .2, .2, .1, .05,  // particleTime, sizeStart, sizeEnd, particleSpeed, particleAngleSpeed
 *     .99, 1, 1, PI, .05,  // damping, angleDamping, gravityScale, particleCone, fadeRate, 
 *     .5, 1                // randomness, collide, additive, randomColorLinear, renderOrder
 * );
class ParticleEmitter extends EngineObject
    /** Create a particle system with the given settings
     *  @param {Vector2} position           - World space position of the emitter
     *  @param {Number}  [angle=0]          - Angle to emit the particles
     *  @param {Number}  [emitSize=0]       - World space size of the emitter (float for circle diameter, vec2 for rect)
     *  @param {Number}  [emitTime=0]       - How long to stay alive (0 is forever)
     *  @param {Number}  [emitRate=100]     - How many particles per second to spawn, does not emit if 0
     *  @param {Number}  [emitConeAngle=PI] - Local angle to apply velocity to particles from emitter
     *  @param {TileInfo} [tileInfo]         - Tile info to render particles (undefined is untextured)
     *  @param {Color}   [colorStartA=Color()] - Color at start of life 1, randomized between start colors
     *  @param {Color}   [colorStartB=Color()] - Color at start of life 2, randomized between start colors
     *  @param {Color}   [colorEndA=Color(1,1,1,0)] - Color at end of life 1, randomized between end colors
     *  @param {Color}   [colorEndB=Color(1,1,1,0)] - Color at end of life 2, randomized between end colors
     *  @param {Number}  [particleTime=.5]      - How long particles live
     *  @param {Number}  [sizeStart=.1]         - How big are particles at start
     *  @param {Number}  [sizeEnd=1]            - How big are particles at end
     *  @param {Number}  [speed=.1]             - How fast are particles when spawned
     *  @param {Number}  [angleSpeed=.05]       - How fast are particles rotating
     *  @param {Number}  [damping=1]            - How much to dampen particle speed
     *  @param {Number}  [angleDamping=1]       - How much to dampen particle angular speed
     *  @param {Number}  [gravityScale=0]       - How much does gravity effect particles
     *  @param {Number}  [particleConeAngle=PI] - Cone for start particle angle
     *  @param {Number}  [fadeRate=.1]          - How quick to fade in particles at start/end in percent of life
     *  @param {Number}  [randomness=.2]        - Apply extra randomness percent
     *  @param {Boolean} [collideTiles=0]       - Do particles collide against tiles
     *  @param {Boolean} [additive=0]           - Should particles use addtive blend
     *  @param {Boolean} [randomColorLinear=1]  - Should color be randomized linearly or across each component
     *  @param {Number}  [renderOrder=0]        - Render order for particles (additive is above other stuff by default)
     *  @param {Boolean}  [localSpace=0]        - Should it be in local space of emitter (world space is default)
        emitSize = 0,
        emitTime = 0,
        emitRate = 100,
        emitConeAngle = PI,
        colorStartA = new Color,
        colorStartB = new Color,
        colorEndA = new Color(1,1,1,0),
        colorEndB = new Color(1,1,1,0),
        particleTime = .5,
        sizeStart = .1,
        sizeEnd = 1,
        speed = .1,
        angleSpeed = .05,
        damping = 1,
        angleDamping = 1,
        gravityScale = 0,
        particleConeAngle = PI,
        fadeRate = .1,
        randomness = .2, 
        randomColorLinear = 1,
        renderOrder = additive ? 1e9 : 0,
        super(pos, vec2(), tileInfo, angle, undefined, renderOrder);

        // emitter settings
        /** @property {Number} - World space size of the emitter (float for circle diameter, vec2 for rect) */
        this.emitSize = emitSize
        /** @property {Number} - How long to stay alive (0 is forever) */
        this.emitTime = emitTime;
        /** @property {Number} - How many particles per second to spawn, does not emit if 0 */
        this.emitRate = emitRate;
        /** @property {Number} - Local angle to apply velocity to particles from emitter */
        this.emitConeAngle = emitConeAngle;

        // color settings
        /** @property {Color} - Color at start of life 1, randomized between start colors */
        this.colorStartA = colorStartA;
        /** @property {Color} - Color at start of life 2, randomized between start colors */
        this.colorStartB = colorStartB;
        /** @property {Color} - Color at end of life 1, randomized between end colors */
        this.colorEndA   = colorEndA;
        /** @property {Color} - Color at end of life 2, randomized between end colors */
        this.colorEndB   = colorEndB;
        /** @property {Boolean} - Should color be randomized linearly or across each component */
        this.randomColorLinear = randomColorLinear;

        // particle settings
        /** @property {Number} - How long particles live */
        this.particleTime      = particleTime;
        /** @property {Number} - How big are particles at start */
        this.sizeStart         = sizeStart;
        /** @property {Number} - How big are particles at end */
        this.sizeEnd           = sizeEnd;
        /** @property {Number} - How fast are particles when spawned */
        this.speed             = speed;
        /** @property {Number} - How fast are particles rotating */
        this.angleSpeed        = angleSpeed;
        /** @property {Number} - How much to dampen particle speed */
        this.damping           = damping;
        /** @property {Number} - How much to dampen particle angular speed */
        this.angleDamping      = angleDamping;
        /** @property {Number} - How much does gravity effect particles */
        this.gravityScale      = gravityScale;
        /** @property {Number} - Cone for start particle angle */
        this.particleConeAngle = particleConeAngle;
        /** @property {Number} - How quick to fade in particles at start/end in percent of life */
        this.fadeRate          = fadeRate;
        /** @property {Number} - Apply extra randomness percent */
        this.randomness        = randomness;
        /** @property {Number} - Do particles collide against tiles */
        this.collideTiles      = collideTiles;
        /** @property {Number} - Should particles use addtive blend */
        this.additive          = additive;
        /** @property {Boolean} - Should it be in local space of emitter */
        this.localSpace          = localSpace;
        /** @property {Number} - If set the partile is drawn as a trail, stretched in the drection of velocity */
        this.trailScale        = 0;

        // internal variables
        this.emitTimeBuffer    = 0;
    /** Update the emitter to spawn particles, called automatically by engine once each frame */
        // only do default update to apply parent transforms
        this.parent && super.update();

        // update emitter
        if (!this.emitTime || this.getAliveTime() <= this.emitTime)
            // emit particles
            if (this.emitRate * particleEmitRateScale)
                const rate = 1/this.emitRate/particleEmitRateScale;
                for (this.emitTimeBuffer += timeDelta; this.emitTimeBuffer > 0; this.emitTimeBuffer -= rate)

        debugParticles && debugRect(this.pos, vec2(this.emitSize), '#0f0', 0, this.angle);

    /** Spawn one particle
     *  @return {Particle} */
        // spawn a particle
        let pos = this.emitSize.x != undefined ? // check if vec2 was used for size
            vec2(rand(-.5,.5), rand(-.5,.5))
                .multiply(this.emitSize).rotate(this.angle) // box emitter
            : randInCircle(this.emitSize/2);                // circle emitter
        let angle = rand(this.particleConeAngle, -this.particleConeAngle);
        if (!this.localSpace)
            pos = this.pos.add(pos);
            angle += this.angle;
        const particle = new Particle(pos, this.tileInfo, this.tileSize, angle);

        // randomness scales each paremeter by a percentage
        const randomness = this.randomness;
        const randomizeScale = (v)=> v + v*rand(randomness, -randomness);

        // randomize particle settings
        const particleTime  = randomizeScale(this.particleTime);
        const sizeStart     = randomizeScale(this.sizeStart);
        const sizeEnd       = randomizeScale(this.sizeEnd);
        const speed         = randomizeScale(this.speed);
        const angleSpeed    = randomizeScale(this.angleSpeed) * randSign();
        const coneAngle     = rand(this.emitConeAngle, -this.emitConeAngle);
        const colorStart    = randColor(this.colorStartA, this.colorStartB, this.randomColorLinear);
        const colorEnd      = randColor(this.colorEndA,   this.colorEndB, this.randomColorLinear);
        const velocityAngle = this.localSpace ? coneAngle : this.angle + coneAngle;

        // build particle settings
        particle.colorStart    = colorStart;
        particle.colorEndDelta = colorEnd.subtract(colorStart);
        particle.velocity      = vec2().setAngle(velocityAngle, speed);
        particle.angleVelocity = angleSpeed;
        particle.lifeTime      = particleTime;
        particle.sizeStart     = sizeStart;
        particle.sizeEndDelta  = sizeEnd - sizeStart;
        particle.fadeRate      = this.fadeRate;
        particle.damping       = this.damping;
        particle.angleDamping  = this.angleDamping;
        particle.elasticity    = this.elasticity;
        particle.friction      = this.friction;
        particle.gravityScale  = this.gravityScale;
        particle.collideTiles  = this.collideTiles;
        particle.additive      = this.additive;
        particle.renderOrder   = this.renderOrder;
        particle.trailScale    = this.trailScale;
        particle.mirror        = randInt(2);
        particle.localSpaceEmitter = this.localSpace && this;

        // setup callbacks for particles
        particle.destroyCallback = this.particleDestroyCallback;
        this.particleCreateCallback && this.particleCreateCallback(particle);

        // return the newly created particle
        return particle;

    // Particle emitters are not rendered, only the particles are
    render() {}

 * Particle Object - Created automatically by Particle Emitters
 * @extends EngineObject
class Particle extends EngineObject
     * Create a particle with the given settings
     * @param {Vector2} position                   - World space position of the particle
     * @param {TileInfo} [tileInfo]                - Tile info to render particles (undefined is untextured)
     * @param {Number}  [angle=0]                  - Angle to rotate the particle
    constructor(pos, tileInfo, angle)
    { super(pos, vec2(), tileInfo, angle); }

    /** Render the particle, automatically called each frame, sorted by renderOrder */
        // modulate size and color
        const p = min((time - this.spawnTime) / this.lifeTime, 1);
        const radius = this.sizeStart + p * this.sizeEndDelta;
        const size = vec2(radius);
        const fadeRate = this.fadeRate/2;
        const color = new Color(
            this.colorStart.r + p * this.colorEndDelta.r,
            this.colorStart.g + p * this.colorEndDelta.g,
            this.colorStart.b + p * this.colorEndDelta.b,
            (this.colorStart.a + p * this.colorEndDelta.a) * 
             (p < fadeRate ? p/fadeRate : p > 1-fadeRate ? (1-p)/fadeRate : 1)); // fade alpha

        // draw the particle
        this.additive && setBlendMode(1);

        let pos = this.pos, angle = this.angle;
        if (this.localSpaceEmitter)
            // in local space of emitter
            pos = this.localSpaceEmitter.pos.add(pos.rotate(-this.localSpaceEmitter.angle)); 
            angle += this.localSpaceEmitter.angle;
        if (this.trailScale)
            // trail style particles
            let velocity = this.velocity;
            if (this.localSpaceEmitter)
                velocity = velocity.rotate(-this.localSpaceEmitter.angle);
            const speed = velocity.length();
            if (speed)
                const direction = velocity.scale(1/speed);
                const trailLength = speed * this.trailScale;
                size.y = max(size.x, trailLength);
                angle = direction.angle();
                drawTile(pos.add(direction.multiply(vec2(0,-trailLength/2))), size, this.tileInfo, color, angle, this.mirror);
            drawTile(pos, size, this.tileInfo, color, angle, this.mirror);
        this.additive && setBlendMode();
        debugParticles && debugRect(pos, size, '#f005', 0, angle);

        if (p == 1)
            // destroy particle when it's time runs out
            this.color = color;
            this.size = size;
            this.destroyCallback && this.destroyCallback(this);
            this.destroyed = 1;