
 * LittleJS Medal System
 * - Tracks and displays medals
 * - Saves medals to local storage
 * - Newgrounds integration
 * @namespace Medals

'use strict';

/** List of all medals
 *  @type {Object}
 *  @memberof Medals */
const medals = {};

// Engine internal variables not exposed to documentation
let medalsDisplayQueue = [], medalsSaveName, medalsDisplayTimeLast;


/** Initialize medals with a save name used for storage
 *  - Call this after creating all medals
 *  - Checks if medals are unlocked
 *  @param {String} saveName
 *  @memberof Medals */
function medalsInit(saveName)
    // check if medals are unlocked
    medalsSaveName = saveName;
    if (!debugMedals)
        medalsForEach(medal=> medal.unlocked = !!localStorage[medal.storageKey()]);

    // engine automatically renders medals
    engineAddPlugin(undefined, medalsRender);
    function medalsRender()
        if (!medalsDisplayQueue.length)
        // update first medal in queue
        const medal = medalsDisplayQueue[0];
        const time = timeReal - medalsDisplayTimeLast;
        if (!medalsDisplayTimeLast)
            medalsDisplayTimeLast = timeReal;
        else if (time > medalDisplayTime)
            medalsDisplayTimeLast = 0;
            // slide on/off medals
            const slideOffTime = medalDisplayTime - medalDisplaySlideTime;
            const hidePercent = 
                time < medalDisplaySlideTime ? 1 - time / medalDisplaySlideTime :
                time > slideOffTime ? (time - slideOffTime) / medalDisplaySlideTime : 0;

/** Calls a function for each medal
 *  @param {Function} callback
 *  @memberof Medals */
function medalsForEach(callback)
{ Object.values(medals).forEach(medal=>callback(medal)); }


 * Medal - Tracks an unlockable medal 
 * @example
 * // create a medal
 * const medal_example = new Medal(0, 'Example Medal', 'More info about the medal goes here.', '🎖️');
 * // initialize medals
 * medalsInit('Example Game');
 * // unlock the medal
 * medal_example.unlock();
class Medal
    /** Create a medal object and adds it to the list of medals
     *  @param {Number} id            - The unique identifier of the medal
     *  @param {String} name          - Name of the medal
     *  @param {String} [description] - Description of the medal
     *  @param {String} [icon]        - Icon for the medal
     *  @param {String} [src]         - Image location for the medal
    constructor(id, name, description='', icon='🏆', src)
        ASSERT(id >= 0 && !medals[id]);
        /** @property {Number} - The unique identifier of the medal */
        this.id = id;
        /** @property {String} - Name of the medal */
        this.name = name;
        /** @property {String} - Description of the medal */
        this.description = description;
        /** @property {String} - Icon for the medal */
        this.icon = icon;
        /** @property {Boolean} - Is the medal unlocked? */
        this.unlocked = false;

        // load the source image if provided
        if (src)
            (this.image = new Image).src = src;

        // add this to list of medals
        medals[id] = this;

    /** Unlocks a medal if not already unlocked */
        if (medalsPreventUnlock || this.unlocked)

        // save the medal
        ASSERT(medalsSaveName, 'save name must be set');
        localStorage[this.storageKey()] = this.unlocked = true;

    /** Render a medal
     *  @param {Number} [hidePercent] - How much to slide the medal off screen
        const context = overlayContext;
        const width = min(medalDisplaySize.x, mainCanvas.width);
        const x = overlayCanvas.width - width;
        const y = -medalDisplaySize.y*hidePercent;

        // draw containing rect and clip to that region
        context.fillStyle = new Color(.9,.9,.9).toString();
        context.strokeStyle = new Color(0,0,0).toString();
        context.lineWidth = 3;
        context.rect(x, y, width, medalDisplaySize.y);

        // draw the icon and text
        this.renderIcon(vec2(x+15+medalDisplayIconSize/2, y+medalDisplaySize.y/2));
        const pos = vec2(x+medalDisplayIconSize+30, y+28);
        drawTextScreen(this.name, pos, 38, new Color(0,0,0), 0, undefined, 'left');
        pos.y += 32;
        drawTextScreen(this.description, pos, 24, new Color(0,0,0), 0, undefined, 'left');

    /** Render the icon for a medal
     *  @param {Vector2} pos - Screen space position
     *  @param {Number} [size=medalDisplayIconSize] - Screen space size
    renderIcon(pos, size=medalDisplayIconSize)
        // draw the image or icon
        if (this.image)
            overlayContext.drawImage(this.image, pos.x-size/2, pos.y-size/2, size, size);
            drawTextScreen(this.icon, pos, size*.7, new Color(0,0,0));
    // Get local storage key used by the medal
    storageKey() { return medalsSaveName + '_' + this.id; }