* LittleJS Audio System
* - <a href=https://killedbyapixel.github.io/ZzFX/>ZzFX Sound Effects</a> - ZzFX Sound Effect Generator
* - <a href=https://keithclark.github.io/ZzFXM/>ZzFXM Music</a> - ZzFXM Music System
* - Caches sounds and music for fast playback
* - Can attenuate and apply stereo panning to sounds
* - Ability to play mp3, ogg, and wave files
* - Speech synthesis functions
* @namespace Audio
'use strict';
/** Audio context used by the engine
* @type {AudioContext}
* @memberof Audio */
let audioContext = new AudioContext;
/** Master gain node for all audio to pass through
* @type {GainNode}
* @memberof Audio */
let audioGainNode;
function audioInit()
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
// (createGain is more widely supported then GainNode constructor)
audioGainNode = audioContext.createGain();
audioGainNode.gain.value = soundVolume; // set starting value
* Sound Object - Stores a sound for later use and can be played positionally
* <a href=https://killedbyapixel.github.io/ZzFX/>Create sounds using the ZzFX Sound Designer.</a>
* @example
* // create a sound
* const sound_example = new Sound([.5,.5]);
* // play the sound
* sound_example.play();
class Sound
/** Create a sound object and cache the zzfx samples for later use
* @param {Array} zzfxSound - Array of zzfx parameters, ex. [.5,.5]
* @param {Number} [range=soundDefaultRange] - World space max range of sound, will not play if camera is farther away
* @param {Number} [taper=soundDefaultTaper] - At what percentage of range should it start tapering
constructor(zzfxSound, range=soundDefaultRange, taper=soundDefaultTaper)
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
/** @property {Number} - World space max range of sound, will not play if camera is farther away */
this.range = range;
/** @property {Number} - At what percentage of range should it start tapering off */
this.taper = taper;
/** @property {Number} - How much to randomize frequency each time sound plays */
this.randomness = 0;
if (zzfxSound)
// generate zzfx sound now for fast playback
const defaultRandomness = .05;
this.randomness = zzfxSound[1] != undefined ? zzfxSound[1] : defaultRandomness;
zzfxSound[1] = 0; // generate without randomness
this.sampleChannels = [zzfxG(...zzfxSound)];
this.sampleRate = zzfxR;
/** Play the sound
* @param {Vector2} [pos] - World space position to play the sound, sound is not attenuated if null
* @param {Number} [volume] - How much to scale volume by (in addition to range fade)
* @param {Number} [pitch] - How much to scale pitch by (also adjusted by this.randomness)
* @param {Number} [randomnessScale] - How much to scale randomness
* @param {Boolean} [loop] - Should the sound loop
* @return {AudioBufferSourceNode} - The audio source node
play(pos, volume=1, pitch=1, randomnessScale=1, loop=false)
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
if (!this.sampleChannels) return;
let pan;
if (pos)
const range = this.range;
if (range)
// apply range based fade
const lengthSquared = cameraPos.distanceSquared(pos);
if (lengthSquared > range*range)
return; // out of range
// attenuate volume by distance
volume *= percent(lengthSquared**.5, range, range*this.taper);
// get pan from screen space coords
pan = worldToScreen(pos).x * 2/mainCanvas.width - 1;
// play the sound
const playbackRate = pitch + pitch * this.randomness*randomnessScale*rand(-1,1);
this.gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
this.source = playSamples(this.sampleChannels, volume, playbackRate, pan, loop, this.sampleRate, this.gainNode);
return this.source;
/** Set the sound volume of the most recently played instance of this sound
* @param {Number} [volume] - How much to scale volume by
if (this.gainNode)
this.gainNode.gain.value = volume;
/** Stop the last instance of this sound that was played */
if (this.source)
this.source = undefined;
/** Get source of most recent instance of this sound that was played
* @return {AudioBufferSourceNode}
getSource() { return this.source; }
/** Play the sound as a note with a semitone offset
* @param {Number} semitoneOffset - How many semitones to offset pitch
* @param {Vector2} [pos] - World space position to play the sound, sound is not attenuated if null
* @param {Number} [volume=1] - How much to scale volume by (in addition to range fade)
* @return {AudioBufferSourceNode} - The audio source node
playNote(semitoneOffset, pos, volume)
{ return this.play(pos, volume, 2**(semitoneOffset/12), 0); }
/** Get how long this sound is in seconds
* @return {Number} - How long the sound is in seconds (undefined if loading)
{ return this.sampleChannels && this.sampleChannels[0].length / this.sampleRate; }
/** Check if sound is loading, for sounds fetched from a url
* @return {Boolean} - True if sound is loading and not ready to play
isLoading() { return !this.sampleChannels; }
* Sound Wave Object - Stores a wave sound for later use and can be played positionally
* - this can be used to play wave, mp3, and ogg files
* @example
* // create a sound
* const sound_example = new SoundWave('sound.mp3');
* // play the sound
* sound_example.play();
class SoundWave extends Sound
/** Create a sound object and cache the wave file for later use
* @param {String} filename - Filename of audio file to load
* @param {Number} [randomness] - How much to randomize frequency each time sound plays
* @param {Number} [range=soundDefaultRange] - World space max range of sound, will not play if camera is farther away
* @param {Number} [taper=soundDefaultTaper] - At what percentage of range should it start tapering off
* @param {Function} [onloadCallback] - callback function to call when sound is loaded
constructor(filename, randomness=0, range, taper, onloadCallback)
super(undefined, range, taper);
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
this.randomness = randomness;
.then(response => response.arrayBuffer())
.then(arrayBuffer => audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer))
.then(audioBuffer =>
this.sampleChannels = [];
for (let i = audioBuffer.numberOfChannels; i--;)
this.sampleChannels[i] = Array.from(audioBuffer.getChannelData(i));
this.sampleRate = audioBuffer.sampleRate;
}).then(() => onloadCallback && onloadCallback(this));
/** Play an mp3, ogg, or wav audio from a local file or url
* @param {String} filename - Location of sound file to play
* @param {Number} [volume] - How much to scale volume by
* @param {Boolean} [loop] - True if the music should loop
* @return {SoundWave} - The sound object for this file
* @memberof Audio */
function playAudioFile(filename, volume=1, loop=false)
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
return new SoundWave(filename,0,0,0, s=>s.play(undefined, volume, 1, 1, loop));
* Music Object - Stores a zzfx music track for later use
* <a href=https://keithclark.github.io/ZzFXM/>Create music with the ZzFXM tracker.</a>
* @example
* // create some music
* const music_example = new Music(
* [
* [ // instruments
* [,0,400] // simple note
* ],
* [ // patterns
* [ // pattern 1
* [ // channel 0
* 0, -1, // instrument 0, left speaker
* 1, 0, 9, 1 // channel notes
* ],
* [ // channel 1
* 0, 1, // instrument 0, right speaker
* 0, 12, 17, -1 // channel notes
* ]
* ],
* ],
* [0, 0, 0, 0], // sequence, play pattern 0 four times
* 90 // BPM
* ]);
* // play the music
* music_example.play();
class Music extends Sound
/** Create a music object and cache the zzfx music samples for later use
* @param {[Array, Array, Array, Number]} zzfxMusic - Array of zzfx music parameters
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
this.randomness = 0;
this.sampleChannels = zzfxM(...zzfxMusic);
this.sampleRate = zzfxR;
/** Play the music
* @param {Number} [volume=1] - How much to scale volume by
* @param {Boolean} [loop] - True if the music should loop
* @return {AudioBufferSourceNode} - The audio source node
playMusic(volume, loop=false)
{ return super.play(undefined, volume, 1, 1, loop); }
/** Speak text with passed in settings
* @param {String} text - The text to speak
* @param {String} [language] - The language/accent to use (examples: en, it, ru, ja, zh)
* @param {Number} [volume] - How much to scale volume by
* @param {Number} [rate] - How quickly to speak
* @param {Number} [pitch] - How much to change the pitch by
* @return {SpeechSynthesisUtterance} - The utterance that was spoken
* @memberof Audio */
function speak(text, language='', volume=1, rate=1, pitch=1)
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
if (!speechSynthesis) return;
// common languages (not supported by all browsers)
// en - english, it - italian, fr - french, de - german, es - spanish
// ja - japanese, ru - russian, zh - chinese, hi - hindi, ko - korean
// build utterance and speak
const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
utterance.lang = language;
utterance.volume = 2*volume*soundVolume;
utterance.rate = rate;
utterance.pitch = pitch;
return utterance;
/** Stop all queued speech
* @memberof Audio */
function speakStop() {speechSynthesis && speechSynthesis.cancel();}
/** Get frequency of a note on a musical scale
* @param {Number} semitoneOffset - How many semitones away from the root note
* @param {Number} [rootFrequency=220] - Frequency at semitone offset 0
* @return {Number} - The frequency of the note
* @memberof Audio */
function getNoteFrequency(semitoneOffset, rootFrequency=220)
{ return rootFrequency * 2**(semitoneOffset/12); }
/** Play cached audio samples with given settings
* @param {Array} sampleChannels - Array of arrays of samples to play (for stereo playback)
* @param {Number} [volume] - How much to scale volume by
* @param {Number} [rate] - The playback rate to use
* @param {Number} [pan] - How much to apply stereo panning
* @param {Boolean} [loop] - True if the sound should loop when it reaches the end
* @param {Number} [sampleRate=44100] - Sample rate for the sound
* @param {GainNode} [gainNode] - Optional gain node for volume control while playing
* @return {AudioBufferSourceNode} - The audio node of the sound played
* @memberof Audio */
function playSamples(sampleChannels, volume=1, rate=1, pan=0, loop=false, sampleRate=zzfxR, gainNode)
if (!soundEnable || headlessMode) return;
// create buffer and source
const channelCount = sampleChannels.length;
const sampleLength = sampleChannels[0].length;
const buffer = audioContext.createBuffer(channelCount, sampleLength, sampleRate);
const source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
// copy samples to buffer and setup source
sampleChannels.forEach((c,i)=> buffer.getChannelData(i).set(c));
source.buffer = buffer;
source.playbackRate.value = rate;
source.loop = loop;
// create and connect gain node
gainNode = gainNode || audioContext.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = volume;
// connect source to stereo panner and gain
const pannerNode = new StereoPannerNode(audioContext, {'pan':clamp(pan, -1, 1)});
// play the sound
if (audioContext.state != 'running')
// fix stalled audio and play
// return sound
return source;
// ZzFXMicro - Zuper Zmall Zound Zynth - v1.3.1 by Frank Force
/** Generate and play a ZzFX sound
* <a href=https://killedbyapixel.github.io/ZzFX/>Create sounds using the ZzFX Sound Designer.</a>
* @param {Array} zzfxSound - Array of ZzFX parameters, ex. [.5,.5]
* @return {AudioBufferSourceNode} - The audio node of the sound played
* @memberof Audio */
function zzfx(...zzfxSound) { return playSamples([zzfxG(...zzfxSound)]); }
/** Sample rate used for all ZzFX sounds
* @default 44100
* @memberof Audio */
const zzfxR = 44100;
/** Generate samples for a ZzFX sound
* @param {Number} [volume] - Volume scale (percent)
* @param {Number} [randomness] - How much to randomize frequency (percent Hz)
* @param {Number} [frequency] - Frequency of sound (Hz)
* @param {Number} [attack] - Attack time, how fast sound starts (seconds)
* @param {Number} [sustain] - Sustain time, how long sound holds (seconds)
* @param {Number} [release] - Release time, how fast sound fades out (seconds)
* @param {Number} [shape] - Shape of the sound wave
* @param {Number} [shapeCurve] - Squareness of wave (0=square, 1=normal, 2=pointy)
* @param {Number} [slide] - How much to slide frequency (kHz/s)
* @param {Number} [deltaSlide] - How much to change slide (kHz/s/s)
* @param {Number} [pitchJump] - Frequency of pitch jump (Hz)
* @param {Number} [pitchJumpTime] - Time of pitch jump (seconds)
* @param {Number} [repeatTime] - Resets some parameters periodically (seconds)
* @param {Number} [noise] - How much random noise to add (percent)
* @param {Number} [modulation] - Frequency of modulation wave, negative flips phase (Hz)
* @param {Number} [bitCrush] - Resamples at a lower frequency in (samples*100)
* @param {Number} [delay] - Overlap sound with itself for reverb and flanger effects (seconds)
* @param {Number} [sustainVolume] - Volume level for sustain (percent)
* @param {Number} [decay] - Decay time, how long to reach sustain after attack (seconds)
* @param {Number} [tremolo] - Trembling effect, rate controlled by repeat time (percent)
* @param {Number} [filter] - Filter cutoff frequency, positive for HPF, negative for LPF (Hz)
* @return {Array} - Array of audio samples
* @memberof Audio
function zzfxG
// parameters
volume = 1, randomness = .05, frequency = 220, attack = 0, sustain = 0,
release = .1, shape = 0, shapeCurve = 1, slide = 0, deltaSlide = 0,
pitchJump = 0, pitchJumpTime = 0, repeatTime = 0, noise = 0, modulation = 0,
bitCrush = 0, delay = 0, sustainVolume = 1, decay = 0, tremolo = 0, filter = 0
// LJS Note: ZZFX modded so randomness is handled by Sound class
// init parameters
let PI2 = PI*2, sampleRate = zzfxR,
startSlide = slide *= 500 * PI2 / sampleRate / sampleRate,
startFrequency = frequency *=
rand(1 + randomness, 1-randomness) * PI2 / sampleRate,
b = [], t = 0, tm = 0, i = 0, j = 1, r = 0, c = 0, s = 0, f, length,
// biquad LP/HP filter
quality = 2, w = PI2 * abs(filter) * 2 / sampleRate,
cos = Math.cos(w), alpha = Math.sin(w) / 2 / quality,
a0 = 1 + alpha, a1 = -2*cos / a0, a2 = (1 - alpha) / a0,
b0 = (1 + sign(filter) * cos) / 2 / a0,
b1 = -(sign(filter) + cos) / a0, b2 = b0,
x2 = 0, x1 = 0, y2 = 0, y1 = 0;
// scale by sample rate
attack = attack * sampleRate + 9; // minimum attack to prevent pop
decay *= sampleRate;
sustain *= sampleRate;
release *= sampleRate;
delay *= sampleRate;
deltaSlide *= 500 * PI2 / sampleRate**3;
modulation *= PI2 / sampleRate;
pitchJump *= PI2 / sampleRate;
pitchJumpTime *= sampleRate;
repeatTime = repeatTime * sampleRate | 0;
// generate waveform
for(length = attack + decay + sustain + release + delay | 0;
i < length; b[i++] = s * volume) // sample
if (!(++c%(bitCrush*100|0))) // bit crush
s = shape? shape>1? shape>2? shape>3? // wave shape
Math.sin(t**3) : // 4 noise
clamp(Math.tan(t),1,-1): // 3 tan
1-(2*t/PI2%2+2)%2: // 2 saw
1-4*abs(Math.round(t/PI2)-t/PI2): // 1 triangle
Math.sin(t); // 0 sin
s = (repeatTime ?
1 - tremolo + tremolo*Math.sin(PI2*i/repeatTime) // tremolo
: 1) *
sign(s)*(abs(s)**shapeCurve) * // curve
(i < attack ? i/attack : // attack
i < attack + decay ? // decay
1-((i-attack)/decay)*(1-sustainVolume) : // decay falloff
i < attack + decay + sustain ? // sustain
sustainVolume : // sustain volume
i < length - delay ? // release
(length - i - delay)/release * // release falloff
sustainVolume : // release volume
0); // post release
s = delay ? s/2 + (delay > i ? 0 : // delay
(i<length-delay? 1 : (length-i)/delay) * // release delay
b[i-delay|0]/2/volume) : s; // sample delay
if (filter) // apply filter
s = y1 = b2*x2 + b1*(x2=x1) + b0*(x1=s) - a2*y2 - a1*(y2=y1);
f = (frequency += slide += deltaSlide) *// frequency
Math.cos(modulation*tm++); // modulation
t += f + f*noise*Math.sin(i**5); // noise
if (j && ++j > pitchJumpTime) // pitch jump
frequency += pitchJump; // apply pitch jump
startFrequency += pitchJump; // also apply to start
j = 0; // stop pitch jump time
if (repeatTime && !(++r % repeatTime)) // repeat
frequency = startFrequency; // reset frequency
slide = startSlide; // reset slide
j = j || 1; // reset pitch jump time
return b;
// ZzFX Music Renderer v2.0.3 by Keith Clark and Frank Force
/** Generate samples for a ZzFM song with given parameters
* @param {Array} instruments - Array of ZzFX sound parameters
* @param {Array} patterns - Array of pattern data
* @param {Array} sequence - Array of pattern indexes
* @param {Number} [BPM] - Playback speed of the song in BPM
* @return {Array} - Left and right channel sample data
* @memberof Audio */
function zzfxM(instruments, patterns, sequence, BPM = 125)
let i, j, k;
let instrumentParameters;
let note;
let sample;
let patternChannel;
let notFirstBeat;
let stop;
let instrument;
let attenuation;
let outSampleOffset;
let isSequenceEnd;
let sampleOffset = 0;
let nextSampleOffset;
let sampleBuffer = [];
let leftChannelBuffer = [];
let rightChannelBuffer = [];
let channelIndex = 0;
let panning = 0;
let hasMore = 1;
let sampleCache = {};
let beatLength = zzfxR / BPM * 60 >> 2;
// for each channel in order until there are no more
for (; hasMore; channelIndex++) {
// reset current values
sampleBuffer = [hasMore = notFirstBeat = outSampleOffset = 0];
// for each pattern in sequence
sequence.forEach((patternIndex, sequenceIndex) => {
// get pattern for current channel, use empty 1 note pattern if none found
patternChannel = patterns[patternIndex][channelIndex] || [0, 0, 0];
// check if there are more channels
hasMore |= patterns[patternIndex][channelIndex]&&1;
// get next offset, use the length of first channel
nextSampleOffset = outSampleOffset + (patterns[patternIndex][0].length - 2 - (notFirstBeat?0:1)) * beatLength;
// for each beat in pattern, plus one extra if end of sequence
isSequenceEnd = sequenceIndex == sequence.length - 1;
for (i = 2, k = outSampleOffset; i < patternChannel.length + isSequenceEnd; notFirstBeat = ++i) {
// <channel-note>
note = patternChannel[i];
// stop if end, different instrument or new note
stop = i == patternChannel.length + isSequenceEnd - 1 && isSequenceEnd ||
instrument != (patternChannel[0] || 0) || note | 0;
// fill buffer with samples for previous beat, most cpu intensive part
for (j = 0; j < beatLength && notFirstBeat;
// fade off attenuation at end of beat if stopping note, prevents clicking
j++ > beatLength - 99 && stop && attenuation < 1? attenuation += 1 / 99 : 0
) {
// copy sample to stereo buffers with panning
sample = (1 - attenuation) * sampleBuffer[sampleOffset++] / 2 || 0;
leftChannelBuffer[k] = (leftChannelBuffer[k] || 0) - sample * panning + sample;
rightChannelBuffer[k] = (rightChannelBuffer[k++] || 0) + sample * panning + sample;
// set up for next note
if (note) {
// set attenuation
attenuation = note % 1;
panning = patternChannel[1] || 0;
if (note |= 0) {
// get cached sample
sampleBuffer = sampleCache[
instrument = patternChannel[sampleOffset = 0] || 0,
] = sampleCache[[instrument, note]] || (
// add sample to cache
instrumentParameters = [...instruments[instrument]],
instrumentParameters[2] *= 2 ** ((note - 12) / 12),
// allow negative values to stop notes
note > 0 ? zzfxG(...instrumentParameters) : []
// update the sample offset
outSampleOffset = nextSampleOffset;
return [leftChannelBuffer, rightChannelBuffer];